View from the Porch

View from the Porch

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Waitress, can I have my reality check please?

Back to the drawing board.

Met with the contractor and the park management at the site Tuesday.  It's an odd-shaped lot, which is both part of it's charm, and the reason I can't put any of the homes I've been looking at on it.

I was told the current home was 48' long, so I'd been looking at floor plans that were 56' long ... I mean, after all what's 8 feet? 

Well, the house that's there is actually 40' long, and the only length that will fit on the site, without totally obscuring my neighbor's view, as well as overwhelming the site, is 52' long.

On the one hand, the good news is that whatever I choose, it'll be cheaper.

More after I get back from Manteca.

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